PM should use 'special relationship' to press Trump on climate action

Last edited 20 January 2017 at 1:15pm
20 January, 2017

Commenting on Donald Trump's inauguration as president of the United States, Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven said:

"Trump will not make America great again by turning his back on the growing green economy.  There's no doubt that having a climate sceptic in the White House will make action to tackle climate change a lot harder. But even the most powerful politicians can only swim against the tide of history for so long before being forced to turn around. Trump will soon have to confront the fact that a majority of US people, scientists, and leading businesses are concerned about climate change. And as the cost of clean technologies keeps plummeting, fossil fuels are looking more and more like a bad bet for the US economy.
"Since the UK government is keen to talk up the 'special relationship' post-Brexit, Theresa May should use it as an opportunity to make Trump see the benefits of climate action. Britain has been a pioneer in tackling climate change, and the prime minister should send a clear signal that this will be part of any future deal between our countries."

Contact: Stefano Gelmini, Greenpeace UK press office, m 07506 512442

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