Rainbow Warrior arrives at Pacific "Star Wars" test site-UK volunteers aboard

Last edited 5 April 2001 at 8:00am
5 April, 2001

The Greenpeace flagship the Rainbow Warrior has arrived at the Kwajalein Missile Range, in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, to protest against the upcoming US "Star Wars" missile test.

The crew includes volunteers from both the UK and Denmark. US President George Bush requires permission for use of their radar facilities to be given by both the UK and Denmark before the "Star Wars" system can go ahead.

The next test of the Star Wars missile system, involving the launch of an intercept missile from Meck Island in the Kwajalein Atoll, is due to take place some time in the next three months. The objective of the test flight is to destroy a missile launched from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California as it is in mid-flight over the Pacific. The test is a critical one for the Bush Administration, which is a strong proponent of Star Wars, because two of the past three tests have failed.

"Just as Greenpeace campaigned against nuclear testing in the Pacific, Greenpeace is campaigning against the testing of the Star Wars system there; a system which threatens to ignite a new nuclear arms race and greatly increase the risk of conflict globally," said Greenpeace campaigner Mike Townsley from the Rainbow Warrior.

"We have sailed to the heart of the Star Wars testing range to call for an end to the US Star Wars plans because of the clear and present danger it poses to achieving a world free of nuclear weapons; something that Greenpeace has worked to achieve for thirty years", continued Townsley.

The SV Rainbow Warrior departed Auckland, New Zealand on February 13, 2001. There are 22 crew onboard from Britain, Denmark, the United States, India, Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands, France and Germany.

The ship intends to tour the Marshall Islands with open days in Majuro and Ebeye to discuss with the Marshallese people why Greenpeace is opposed to the Star Wars programme.

Further Information:
Contact Louise Edge, UK press Office on 020 7865 8225.

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