Scale of British Energy nuclear fault revealed by inspectors

Last edited 24 September 2002 at 8:00am
24 September, 2002

Yet more problems surfaced for troubled generator British Energy today as the Government's nuclear safety inspectors revealed that huge gas circulator fans at the company's Torness plant were 'severely damaged and in pieces of various sizes' when the station was closed for safety reasons. The revelations have led to urgent calls for other reactors with identical components to also be closed. Campaigners accuse the company of 'putting cash before safety.'

Both reactors at the Torness plant were closed when the damage was discovered. In response to a letter of concern from environmental group Greenpeace, the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) now admit that they 'cannot say with certainty that the cause (of the fault at Torness) is known.' Because gas circulators at the Heysham 2 plant are of an identical design, there are now urgent calls for that plant to close down as well.

It was revealed yesterday that both reactors at the Heysham 2 plant are currently shut down anyway because of faults unconnected to the Torness problem. Last week one of the Heysham reactors was closed because of an electrical fault - now the remaining reactor has also been shut down because of an as yet unspecified problem. Greenpeace is demanding the Heysham plant now remains shut because of the gas circulator design.

The latest closure means that British Energy is currently operating with forty per cent of its capacity shut down.

Campaigner Emma Gibson said, 'We are very worried that Heysham 2 will be permitted to continue operating when the cause of the fault at its sister station at Torness is unknown. These circulators are much like aeroplane wings - if one is found to be severely damaged you should ground the fleet. Heysham 2 is shut right now because of other faults, but it should remain closed.'

Renowned nuclear safety expert John Large, who analysed the NII response noted, 'On one hand I applaud them for providing such a detailed explanation, but I am astonished and very concerned that they are prepared to let Heysham 2 remain in operation when the cause of this double failure at Torness is yet to be identified and fully understood.'

Greenpeace believes safety failures can be linked to poor management and lack of proper maintenance at British Energy's nuclear plants. Emma Gibson said, 'British Energy is on the edge of bankruptcy and surviving on public hand-outs, but that is no reason to play fast and loose with safety.'

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255

Download copies of letters to the NII and Patricia Hewitt and the NSD response. (files prepared as pdf's)

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