Shell pulls out of Arctic for 2013 - Greenpeace responds

Last edited 27 February 2013 at 9:41pm
27 February, 2013

Commenting on the news tonight that Shell is pulling out of the Arctic for this year, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

“Shell’s multi-billion dollar Arctic investment lies in tatters tonight, and so does the company’s reputation. They were warned again and again that they’d underestimated the huge challenges posed by drilling off Alaska, but they pushed on regardless, determined to spark a new Arctic oil rush. The huge global movement that sprang up to oppose them can claim vindication, but we’re not going away. We’ve drawn a line in the ice, we’ve said to the oil companies ‘you come no further’. Shell got burned in the Arctic this year, but when they try to come back we’ll be waiting for them, and if the Obama administration doesn’t stop them drilling then millions of us will.”


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