Soya importer announces its intention to go GM-free

Last edited 12 December 2000 at 9:00am
12 December, 2000
Greenpeace's action against the bulk carrier Polydefkis P

Greenpeace's action against the bulk carrier Polydefkis P

Central Soya, a subsidiary of Eridania- Beghin-Say, and one of the largest commodity processors and food producers in the world have confirmed to Greenpeace that they will convert their soybean facility in Bordeaux to exclusively GM-free production.

The announcement follows a Greenpeace action against the bulk carrier Polydefkis P which attempted to carry a Central Soya cargo of genetically contaminated soybeans into Bordeaux Harbour on Monday (11/12/00) ). As a result of the action, which prevented the bulk carrier from entering the docks for more than an hour, the port authority gave a public commitment not to unload GM soybeans. This was followed by the announcement from Central Soya that they will end GM imports.

Greenpeace UK campaigners are urging Cargill, the main company responsible for imports of genetically modified soya into the UK, to follow suit. The company are currently importing GM soya for use in animal feed.

"We welcome Central Soya's decision, that from now on only non-GM soybean shipments will be processed in this facility and urge the company to extend this commitment to all their facilities in the near future" said Arnaud Apoteker, Greenpeace Genetic Engineering Campaigner.

"The fact that the bulk carrier Polydefkis P. imported both GM and non-GM soybeans from the US proves that segregation is not only feasible but actually happening. We encourage the US farmers and soybean exporters to accept the clear choice of Europeans not to allow any GM grains to enter their food chain and to stop growing GM crops and certainly not mingle them with conventional beans," Apoteker added.

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Contact the Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255

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