Stop Climate Chaos launches the I Count campaign

Last edited 4 October 2006 at 8:00am
4 October, 2006

The Stop Climate Chaos coalition is launching the I Count campaign in October 2006. The campaign will inspire the public to take personal and political action to help tackle climate change.

The coalition is also mounting I Count in the Square - the biggest event of the year to stop climate chaos on Saturday 4th November, 1-3pm, Trafalgar Square. Event line-up to be announced. People that can't come on 4th November can still count by signing up online ( or texting 'I Count' to 84424.

"The I Count campaign will tackle the view that climate change is too big a problem to fix. It isn't. We can stop climate chaos, but we all need to start acting now. The science is now proven, research tells us the public are concerned, so now we must focus on solutions. We urge everyone to join us and 'be counted' and tell the UK Government they want them to take the urgent action needed to stop climate chaos and show them they mean it by taking action themselves." Ashok Sinha

Contact Details:
Alison Blower, Media Coordinator
Stop Climate Chaos
t: 0207 729 8732
m: 07967 698928

The I Count website

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