Tokai Mura nuclear accident

Last edited 30 September 1999 at 8:00am
30 September, 1999

Commenting on the nuclear accident today at the Tokai uranium processing plant in Japan, Greenpeace said:

"The Japanese nuclear accident is a deadly reminder of the inescapable dangers of nuclear power."

"Japanese grasp of technology is world reknowned and second to none. But when it comes to nuclear power they are in the same boat as the operators of Windscale, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Mixing human fallibility and nuclear physics is not worth the risk."

"The UK's role of proliferating the global transport and spread of nuclear waste and plutonium adds to the risk. If Tony Blair is to assume the global leadership mantle of his aspirations, he should take the innovative step of taking action to phase out nuclear power in favour of exploiting the boundless energy potential offered by wind, wave and solar."

"It's an appalling irony that as school children run for cover from a nuclear explosion in Japan, a British ship-load of plutonium from Sellafield is being delivered. Only this morning we have discovered yet more failures in vital quality checks on this plutonium shipment. Tony Blair should warn the Japanese Prime Minister not to allow the loading of this fuel."


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