Travel restrictions lifted for Greenpeace volunteers and freelance journalist

Last edited 16 October 2001 at 8:00am
16 October, 2001
Star Wars 17Two British volunteers and a British freelance journalist to return home before November Star Wars trial

A Judge ruled today that nine Greenpeace protestors and one freelance journalist, facing felony charges stemming from a peaceful protest against a missile defence test in California on July 14th, can travel home before returning to Los Angeles for trial currently set for November 20, 2001. The two British Greenpeace protestors, Bill Nandris from London and John Wills from Guernsey along with freelance journalist Steve Morgan from Somerset, had been previously restricted to the Central District of California along with six other defendants since July 14th.

"It has been too long and I am looking forward to seeing my friends, family and the people who have supported me," said Bill Nandris from London. "However, I am also looking towards my return here and having my day in court when my integrity will become public record."

The Greenpeace volunteers and two freelance journalists were arrested by the F.B.I. near Vandenberg Air Force Base in California following a peaceful protest against the controversial missile defence program. All 17, including the journalists were charged with conspiring to violate a safety zone- a class D felony with a maximum six-year prison term and $250,000 fine. They were also charged with entering military property without permission- a misdemeanour with a 6-month maximum sentence and $5,000 fine.

While the six defendants from the United States were given immediate bail, the international defendants had their passports seized and all but one had their travel restricted to the central district of California. The other international defendants are from Australia, Canada, Germany, India and Sweden.

During today's hearing, the defendants plead not guilty to the second superceding indictment.

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on: 020 7865 8255

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