Trial begins of Greenpeace volunteers who shut down Sheffield incinerator

Last edited 25 November 2002 at 9:00am
25 November, 2002

The jury trial of three Greenpeace volunteers who scaled the 75-metre chimney of Sheffield rubbish incinerator and shut down its operations for three days began on Tuesday 26th November at Sheffield Crown Court.

The volunteers took part in a Greenpeace action on the 22nd May 2001 to close the Bernard Road plant, after it was identified as the worst incinerator in England. It had exceeded its legal pollution limits 156 times in just two years and discharged tonnes of toxic chemicals on to the people of Sheffield.

All three defendants now face charges of criminal damage. The defendants are:

Rachel Murray 29, from Glasgow
Huw Williams 35, from Buxton
Chris Holden, 25, from Northamptonshire

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