May must not become Trump's caddy in rush for trade deal

Last edited 26 January 2017 at 12:10pm
26 January, 2017

Commenting on Prime Minister Theresa May's visit to the US and ahead of her first meeting with Donald Trump on Friday, Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven said:

"Theresa May is inviting Donald Trump to 'lead together' but she'll need to make sure that in the rush for a trade deal she doesn't end up becoming Trump's caddy. With so much at stake, the UK public will watch closely to see whether the prime minister is willing to stand up for the values, principles and laws that Britain holds dear.

"There are clear red lines Trump needs to hear from May, including our commitment to the Paris climate agreement, the need to move away from coal and to preserve the many environmental protections the UK enjoys. As a member of the EU, Britain has acquired laws that have cleaned up our beaches, banned harmful pesticides and protected consumers. The British public won't accept these vital safeguards being sacrificed on the altar of a US-UK trade agreement.

"The relationship is only special if the prime minister is prepared to say what Trump wants to ignore. And what May should make absolutely clear is that the UK won't wind back the clock on progress but will keep striving for a more peaceful and prosperous future."


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