UK emissions drop - Greenpeace response

Last edited 26 March 2015 at 12:48pm

UK GHG emissions dropped by 8.4% 2013 - 2014

26 March, 2015

In response to the UK's GHG emissions dropping by 8.4% (and CO2 emissions dropping by 9.7%) Dr Doug Parr, Chief Scientist at Greenpeace UK, said :

"Last year UK carbon emissions fell dramatically whilst the economy grew faster than it has in any year since 2007. This is further evidence, if it was needed, that efforts to cut carbon pollution and boost our economy can go hand in hand. And since a reduction in coal use was a crucial factor in bringing down CO2 emissions,  these figures give us a taste of what could be achieved if our political leaders got serious about phasing out the dirtiest of all fossil fuels and gave proper backing to clean energy. This should be a key learning for ministers as they prepare to set out their carbon reduction plans ahead of a crucial climate summit later in the year. "

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