UK government to sell more BE shares - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 30 May 2007 at 4:21pm
30 May, 2007

Reacting to the news that the UK government is to sell more of its stake in British Energy, Greenpeace Senior Climate and Energy campaigner Ben Ayliffe said:

"This decision is all about readying the UK energy market for a new generation of nuclear power stations. And whilst it makes penniless British Energy look a lot more attractive to potential investors like EDF and E.On, you have to wonder whether the government is pre-judging the conclusions of its own nuclear consultation announced last week. Before making any decision on whether to press ahead with new nuclear power stations the government is legally obliged to consult fully with the public. But if they intend to do this, why are they priming the energy market for nuclear before the consultation has even started?”

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