USA launches trade war with Europe over GM foods

Last edited 13 May 2003 at 8:00am
13 May, 2003

It's a case of once more unto the breach for the US administration. On 13th May, President Bush declared war on consumers by launching a trade war with Europe over GM foods.

A US spokesperson announced that they would, "file a World Trade Organisation (WTO) against the EU over its illegal five-year moratorium " on GM crops.

GM Campaigner Ben Ayliffe said, "the Bush administration has decided to use the WTO to strong-arm Europe into eating GM food, when it is clear that almost all European's still don't want it."

"The USA is determined to protect its agricultural export industry in line with its policy of emphasising trade protectionism ahead of the interests of the environment."

The USA has now enlisted the help of group of allies in their attempt to isolate the EU from the rest of the world over GM. However, this group is by no means a broad coalition. Besides the USA it contains Canada and Argentina - representing three of the four countries that grow 99% of all GM crops.

Ben Ayliffe added, "clearly this WTO complaint is pandering to the narrow interests of a handful of GM exporters. Greenpeace believes that European consumers have the right to choose what food they eat and will not accept the USA force feeding them GM food."

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