Alan Watson comments on the Byker Ash report

Last edited 13 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
28 February, 2001

Comments on the "Report on the analysis of PCDD/PCDF and heavy metals in soil and egg samples related to the Byker incinerator"

1. The hard and valuable work undertaken by Dr Pless Mulloli and her co-workers in undertaking the sampling and review of the contamination for the main report is fully recognised.

2. The contamination of allotments in Newcastle by high levels of dioxins and heavy metals from the Byker incinerator could be one of the most serious dioxin contamination events in the UK (and possibly even in the world). This is because it is nearly unprecedented to have high levels of dioxin contaminated material been introduced so directly onto land used for personal food supplies including eggs for a large number of people.

3. It is unlikely that the Newcastle Study covers the full extent of ash distribution in the Newcastle area. More work and research will need to be undertaken to establish the extent of other locations which may have received ash...

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