Consuming Chemicals

Last edited 25 April 2003 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Hazardous chemicals in house dust as an indicator of chemical exposure in the home

Publication date: April 2003

Current regulation of chemical production and use in Europe is weak, cumbersome and ineffective. This has led to a situation in which there are very few data on the great majority of the thousands of chemicals currently used by industry, and next to nothing is known about their potential environmental and human health impacts. The data presented in this report shows just how serious and widespread the problem of chemical contamination is. This contamination is not just of the environment 'out there'. It affects our homes, our offices, our daily lives. Moreover the pollutants we have targetted for investigation are not coming from traffic fumes, industrial chimneys or pesticides. They are brought into our homes as unseen and unlabeled chemical additives in everyday consumer products.

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