GM Crops - A US farming perspective

Last edited 3 February 2000 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
28 February, 2000

This month the US National Family Farm Coalition, in conjunction with Greenpeace, held public meetings to which farmers were invited to hear about the experience of US growers and other farmers regarding the impacts of the commercial introduction of GM crops. Following a number of requests for more information from those who were unable to attend, here's a summary of the meetings and other subsequent developments.

Three farmers came to the UK to share their experiences - John Kinsman (Vice-President of the National Family Farm Coalition and a dairy farmer from Wisconsin), Corky Jones, (who sits on the executive of the American Corn Growers Association and farms 2800 acres in Nebraska) and Jim Goodman (who farms 450 acres in Wisconsin).

Download the report:

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