Greenpeace Briefing: Tackling weapons of mass destruction

Last edited 7 March 2003 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Alternative solutions

Publication date: March 2003

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are a real and growing threat, however war is an ineffective way to deal with WMD. A strengthened framework of international treaties on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, backed up by legally-binding verification regimes, properly resourced and implemented fairly, could provide a stable basis for controlling the spread of weapons of mass destruction - and disarming those nations that already have them.

Export controls must be strengthened to ensure that dual use technologies are not transferred to countries that are not in full compliance with the NPT, the CWC and the BWC.

Until such an approach has been tried, nobody can claim that force is being used only as a last resort.

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