Greenpeace response to Heathrow consultation

Last edited 27 February 2008 at 5:07pm
Publication date: 
27 February, 2008

Greenpeace response to the Department for Transport's consultation "Adding capacity at Heathrow Airport"

Greenpeace believes that if the Government is serious about tackling climate change, there should be no question of increasing the number of flights coming in and out of Heathrow Airport. Instead the Government should be radically rethinking its out-of-date policy on aviation, implementing strategies to cap the number of flights at current levels with a view to reducing them in the future and move towards a sustainable, low-carbon transport system.

Greenpeace also considers this consultation process to be seriously flawed: designed to push through a decision that has already been made and without properly taking into account the effect on the environment, or seriously considering alternatives.

However, Greenpeace takes this opportunity to set out its primary concerns below, as though the Government were genuinely seeking views on airport expansion.

Download the report:

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