New reactors - more radioactive waste

Last edited 30 July 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: July 2002

Britain stands at a crossroads in energy policy. One direction leads to more nuclear power stations. The other leads towards the sustainable exploitation of energy from the wind, waves and sun.

The decision should be easy. Renewable energy is affordable, safe and clean and the UK has some of the best resources in Europe. Wind power at sea alone could meet our electricity needs three times over and bring thousands of jobs to the UK. Yet the Government is considering a proposal to build 10 more nuclear power stations1.
This document outlines what we know about the plans:

  • Where they might be built
  • The types of nuclear power stations British Energy favour
  • The nuclear waste problems and accident risks that would arise
Download the report:

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