New Scientist and Greenpeace Science Debates

Last edited 31 May 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
11 August, 2009

Science, technology and our future: the big questions.

Can science be directed?

Publication date: May 2002

Bill Stewart gave a historical perspective from his time as Government Chief Scientist. In his view the 1970s had been the 'dark ages' for UK science which began to be lifted through the realisation of the important potential of science for helping with many world problems and by aiming science at gaining a commercially competitive edge to business. The Technology Foresight programme gave a much better grounding for science in developing particular areas, and in the future he believed that the main mass of scientists should be given a broad direction, with only the very best scientists left to themselves. However he questioned whether ultimately our arrangements deliver value for money.

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