New Scientist and Greenpeace Science Debates

Last edited 31 May 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
11 August, 2009

Science, technology and our future: the big questions.
Can science be directed? Martin Rees

Publication date: May 2002

Martin Rees made a series of points about the relationship of science to society; that secrecy was mistaken, the need for scientists to inform the public although their views should have no special weight in the decision making, that scientists should care about what happens to the knowledge they generate. The notion of pure research is somewhat simplistic and always has been. It is right that for ethical and risk-related reasons certain areas of research should be put off-limits - and also areas where developments could allow mischievous applications too easily. He ended on a plea to reduce inequality because of the nightmarish scenarios that cheap biotechnology in the wrong hands could bring.

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