The case against Esso

Last edited 1 May 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: April 2002

Our weather is careering out of control. Global warming will bring more floods and chaos to Britain and increasingly extreme storms, drought and disease worldwide. The culprit is pollution from fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas. It is time to break our dependency on oil - if we don't we will wreck the planet for ourselves and future generations.

Esso is fuelling climate catastrophe. Rather than working to provide people with clean energy, Esso continues its reckless search for more oil Esso is even lobbying for access to the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. More oil simply means more floods, storms, drought and disease. And more profit for Esso.

Esso continues to deny the link between its business and global warming, and uses its power and dollars to derail international negotiations on action to save the climate.

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