Waste MOX shipment

Last edited 29 April 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
6 April, 2007

BNFL's desperate mission to turn UK into a nuclear dustbin

Publication date: April 2002

In the past few days, British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) has sent out two of its ships from Barrow docks in Cumbria. The ships are being sent to Japan to collect waste plutonium MOX fuel rejected by BNFL's Japanese customers because BNFL had falsified safety data about it. BNFL aims to import the nuclear material which is now nuclear waste to the UK and keep it at its notorious Sellafield site in Cumbria.

The transport raises the huge threats of nuclear proliferation, terrorism and accidents, and allowing the importation of the waste fuel into the UK would enhance the UK's reputation as the world's nuclear dustbin.

This proposed shipment is dangerous and unlawful and must be stopped.

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