White Paper: Strategy for a future Chemicals Policy

Last edited 5 March 2003 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
11 August, 2009

Commission of the European Communities

Publication date: February 2001

This White Paper presents Commission proposals for a strategy on future chemicals policy in the Community with the overriding goal of sustainable development.

Chemicals bring about benefits on which modern society is entirely dependent, for example, in food production, medicines, textiles, cars etc. They also make a vital contribution to the economic and social wellbeing of citizens in terms of trade and employment.

On the other hand, certain chemicals have caused serious damage to the environment and human health resulting in suffering and premature death.

The lack of knowledge about the impact of many chemicals on human health and the environment is a cause for concern. Understandably, the public is worried when hearing about the exposure of their children to certain phthalates released from toys and about increasing amounts of the flame retardant pentabromo diphenyl ether in human breast milk. Though these too are the subject of Commission proposals for bans, legislative action takes too long before yielding a result.

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