News from the Rainbow Warrior blocking the Magdelana Green

Last edited 28 January 2003 at 9:00am
Volunteer aboard the container vessel Magdelana Green

Volunteer aboard the container vessel Magdelana Green

As night fell, the remaining volunteers on board the Magdelana Green were removed from the site by police climbers and later released. The Rainbow Warrior remained in position and continued to prevent vessels from being able to load their cargo or to set sail.

During the night a strong squall started up and the Rainbow Warrior began to drag its anchor. It was impossible to remain in position, even with the engines on, so the decision was made to move the ship out of the port. The ship has taken up safer anchorage in open water and is holding its postion in the Solent. The Rainbow Warrior will remain there until it is safe to continue with our campaign.

We are continuing with our global campaign to prevent a military attack on Iraq that would kill hundreds of thousands of civilians and increase the chances of weapons of mass destruction being used.

Greenpeace is opposed to war in Iraq, whether or not an attack is sanctioned by the United Nations, because it would have devastating human and environmental consequences. According to military and health experts a conventional war could kill over 200,000 people, mainly civilians, and a further quarter of a million could die from famine and disease (MEDACT). If war escalates to involve chemical or nuclear weapons the death toll could even run into millions.



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