The true cost of food

Posted by admin — 28 August 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

The True Cost Of Food

A new report into  'The True Cost of Food', released by Greenpeace and the Soil Association,  calls for a ban on GM and  a phase-out of industrialised farming. The report looks at the real cost of industrialised farming in terms of human health, animal welfare, and the environment and exposes this vision of agriculture as fundamentally flawed. It claims that current Government policy embraces irresponsible short-term priorities, missing out on the huge commercial potential of modern organic farming.

'If we are to protect ourselves, our environment, and the future of our rural economy, the Government must recognise that there is a stark and fundamental choice to be made. Do we want industrial farming and GM food or do we want the genuinely sustainable future that modern organic farming represents?' said Executive Director of Greenpeace, Peter Melchett.


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