Greenpeace expedition finds new evidence of climate change impacts in the Arctic

Posted by admin — 1 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

The Arctic Sunrise

A three week Greenpeace scientific expedition in July to the retreating Arctic ice pack has uncovered new evidence that climate change appears to be impacting on the wildlife and ecology of the region, particularly walrus young. Matthew Spencer Head of the Climate Campaign reports:

"Preliminary results indicate that the walrus population isn't doing so well. We don't have enough data to say how rapid the decline is, but the early signs of climate change such as the retreat of sea ice and the changes in the food supply for these animals, do not bode well for the walrus.

The signs of climate change are all around us. It's caused by humans burning fossil fuels. It's time to stop pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and begin phasing out the use of fossil fuels in favour of cleaner forms of energy such as solar, wave and wind power."


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