"Never trust a Government Minister" advises Government lawyer

Posted by admin — 11 October 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

This afternoon the Government confirmed what we always thought to be true that you can't trust what a Minister says. About five years ago a Minister stated that the Habitats Directive would be applied up to 200 miles offshore in order to protect all whales and dolphins. And despite the fact that this was said in a written statement to Parliament, the Government QC claimed that he got it all wrong and that Greenpeace couldn't rely on what he said.

That muddle brought to an end the Government's evidence and then they made way for the 10 oil companies. Their QC presented their evidence asking questions like "does it really matter that there is toxicity from oil exploration?"

Tomorrow we will find out how strong the oil companies' evidence really is, and that will give us a good indication of whether we are going to win this case or not.



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