UK Government offers no evidence to contest geographical scope of Habitats Directive

Posted by admin — 11 October 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

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Greenpeace's QC listed all the other European countries that had put forward sites under the Habitats Directive beyond 12 miles offshore. The judge interrupted him as he was doing this and asked the Government and the oil companies representatives' QCs whether they disagreed with Greenpeace on what these other countries were doing.

The Government QC Eleanor Sharpstone said that they didn't know whether they agreed or disagreed with Greenpeace and said she would have to wait for an instruction from the Government for further clarification. She also said that she was happy for Greenpeace to take 'comfort', as she put it, in this argument but couldn't really see why we were raising it.

Greenpeace's QC Nigel Pleming responded by saying that presumably there was some relevance to the Government's original argument because, after all, all he was doing was responding to the Government's claim that no other European countries had put sites forward and said that of course we took comfort from the fact that other European countries were doing exactly what we thought the UK should be doing - and exactly what the European Commission thought they were doing - in applying the Habitats Directive beyond 12 miles offshore.



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