The Ugly Fish needs a new friend!

Posted by mollybrooks — 25 November 2010 at 12:00pm - Comments

Which of these gorgeous creatures will make it as a gift on Greenpeace Giving?

It’s that time of year again, the nights are drawing in and the shops are full of mince pies. So we're back with our online virtual gift catalogue, Greenpeace Giving .

Along with all the old favourites like 'Protect an orangutan's home' (£60) and 'A tuna for your grandchildren' (£14), we've added some new gifts which go towards building the new Rainbow Warrior III.

And we're going to add an extra special gift too – chosen by you. One of our most successful gifts so far has been 'Protect an ugly fish' – clearly his alternative looks appeals to your compassionate nature!

But we think he's lonely and needs a new friend. So we've set up a rogues' gallery of potential mates, and we’d like you to choose which one gets the honour of being featured as a Greenpeace Giving gift.

There are four animals to choose from, all with a quirky look or feature, and all representing an area of our work. Choose from a Tarsier, which represents our work in the forests of Indonesia; a Narwhal, which is threatened by drilling for oil in the Arctic; a Mata Mata turtle, who lives in the Amazon rainforest, and Blob fish, who is affected by bottom trawling, a destructive fishing practice.

Voting closes on the 30th November and the winning creature will be featured on Greenpeace Giving not long after, in time for you to buy one for all your friends for Christmas.

So vote for your favourite now, and get your friends to vote too! To check out the current range of gifts, visit For each gift you buy you can personalise an e-card to send to your friend to tell them all about it.

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