Legal action and Wikileaks trigger beeping Blackberries at BP

Posted by jamess — 16 December 2010 at 12:49pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: fingernageldreck

So the US government is suing BP (along with a bunch of other oil spill sidekicks).  The announcement this morning sent investors running scared and wiping a cool £2.8 billion off BP's share price. Shame the wildlife don't get lawyers.

If one bit of bad news wasn't enough for BP execs, their blackberries are beeping with news that Wikileaks has uncovered another shocker they were trying to hide. According to the leaked US government cables, BP had a blowout in one of its Azerbaijan oil fields, narrowly avoiding an environmental and human catastrophe like the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Today’s news builds on last week’s revelations about Shell, Chevron and Transocean, exposing further the dark arts of the oil industry.

Will these leaks keep on coming and confirming what an irresponsible bunch of cowboys these oil companies are? Or will Big Oil execs try and jam the flow with their infamous cocktail of golf balls and shredded tyres?

Either way, it doesn't really matter. The only thing we should be focused on stopping is the oil companies themselves, who are racing to drill holes in more and more remote parts of our planet, risking the environment and accelerating climate change.

But who wants to end a blog on a downbeat note, eh? Enjoy a bit of light relief from the Twitter spoofsters at BPGlobalPR. Besides you need to conserve your energy - our Go Beyond Oil campaign is ramping up in 2011.

Thanks for spotting the dodgy links - should be fixed now.

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