VW's Dark Side: our campaign enters a new phase

Posted by jamess — 8 September 2011 at 9:40am - Comments
Volkswagen is lobbying against environmental laws
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Volkswagen is lobbying against environmental laws

Today our climbers scaled VW’s headquarters in Germany while other activists projected a massive message onto the side of London’s Battersea power station – where Volkswagen is participating in a green car show.

Our actions kick off a new phase in our VW campaign – we will not let the car giant’s lobbying continue to threaten our planet.

See the photos and tell VW to stop ignoring your demands

Together we’ve sent over 365,000 emails to VW, telling them to turn away from the Dark Side and stop spending millions of pounds each year on groups lobbying against cuts to greenhouse gases.

But VW has so far chosen to ignore our demands.

The company’s response up to now has been to shrug its shoulders and point to the handful of efficient cars that it makes - vehicles we know represent less than one in 15 of all its cars. But this campaign is not about VW’s cleanest cars, it is about something much bigger: Volkswagen using its size and influence to oppose key European environmental laws.

We knew when we started this campaign that it wasn’t going to be easy. Volkswagen spends over £70 million each year on advertising in the UK alone – twice the industry average – and it can counter our campaign with even bigger advertising budgets.

But we won’t stand down – we can’t.            

Our global oil addiction – driven by companies like VW – is pushing Shell and others into places like the melting Arctic to drill for the last drops of oil. Not only does drilling in the fragile Arctic risk catastrophic spills, but burning that oil accelerates climate change. A stable global climate underpins the very systems we depend on to survive. Our friends at Oxfam estimate that global food prices will more than double in the next 20 years – up to half of that due to climate change. This isn’t an abstract issue – VW’s policies directly threaten life on Earth.

Today you can help protect your planet and change VW.

The one area where Volkswagen’s mega advertising budgets can’t speak louder than thousands of jedi is online, on social media. We need you to get onto Volkswagen’s Facebook page and show the company what you really think about their policies. We’ve also created an interactive tool so you can get visual with your messages.

Volkswagen spends a significant amount of money targeting you with its advertising. Your action today can make a real impact.

See photos of our action and tell VW to stop ignoring your demands

We’ll be in touch soon with more news.

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