LIVE: Arctic oil drilling platform occupied by activists

Posted by jamie — 24 August 2012 at 9:50am - Comments
Activists board the Gazprom Prirazlomnaya oil drilling platform, Russia
All rights reserved. Credit: Denis Sinyakov / Greenpeace
Activists board the Gazprom Prirazlomnaya oil drilling platform, Russia


It’s certainly a mouthful, but it’s also the new name – and face – of Arctic destruction today. This giant Russian platform is set to be the first to try and commercially produce offshore Arctic oil anywhere on the planet.

Make no mistake: the Russian oil industry is not one to be trusted. Currently, on land in the Komi Republic, 30 million barrels of oil are spilt every year.

This is why today, at 70 degrees North in the Pechora Sea, activists are occupying this monster platform and preventing it from drilling.

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09:30 CET Jens, Sini, Basil, Terry, Lars and Kumi (from Germany, Finland, USA, Canada, Germany and South Africa respectively) are currently safe and well, securely anchored in place to the superstructure of Gazprom’s monster Arctic drilling platform the Prirazlomnaya in the Pechora Sea. The climbers are in great spirits, have supplies to last for an extended stay and are in a good position for future re-supplies.

This morning at 4 am local time, a team of Greenpeace International activists including Executive Director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo, boarded energy giant Gazprom’s Arctic oil platform Prirazlomnaya off the northeastern coast of Russia in the Pechora Sea, interrupting its operations.

Join them today to save the Arctic.



Help us stop the Arctic Villains! You are the avengers - we need you ! 
See the Arctic Villains comic 

Truly inspiring. Great work everyone. You've got at least 1 million people standing right behind you, and we're growing stronger by the day.

Well Done, we support you all the way.


Thank you.  Your bravery inpires me.

This Arctic campaign is basically every environmental campaign.  Do we let the destructive power of a few selfish people destroy the future for everyone else?  Or can we do the right thing and preserve our planet's natural wealth forever?

The natural, shared and moral answer is so simple.  But only heroes like yourselves will take personal risks to ask for it.  Thank you.

What an awesome thing to do. It's late on Sunday/Monday & we don't know whether you're still up there. But we're thinking about you and sending strength.

About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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