Weird weather

Posted by bex — 19 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
wave energy:  a green and sustainable energy resource

wave energy: a green and sustainable energy resource

The latest reports from the world's climate scientists show that climate change is happening faster than was first predicted. They paint a grim picture of life in a warming world. All around the globe countries are experiencing the kind of 'weird weather' that we have been warned to expect. At this stage no-one can categorically state that the devastation the world is experiencing is a result of climate change but at the very least it gives a frightening picture of what we can expect if the climate is not protected.

Here is a taste of what is really at stake...

Weird weather:
Wet weather and mites devastate bee populations.
Heaviest rain in South Korea for 37 years.
Thousands stranded in flooded Orissa.
Melting ice threatens blue whales' food supply.
Pacific nation fears devastation from the ocean.
Flash floods in Pakistan.


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