Turning up the heat on Esso

Posted by bex — 30 May 2003 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace tigers at Esso HQ in Texas, USA

Greenpeace tigers at Esso HQ in Texas, USA

Greenpeace turned up the heat this week as the biggest oil company in the world prepared for its annual general meeting in Texas.

As a result, more shareholders supported a resolution calling for Esso (ExxonMobil in the US) to act on two hot issues: global warming and renewable energy.

The day before the AGM, Greenpeace activists converged on Esso's headquarters in Irving, Texas to charge the oil giant with crimes against the climate.

The AGM itself took place on May 28 and a resolution calling for the company to report its plans to deal with climate change received strong support, with 22% of the total vote. A similar resolution on renewable energy received 21% of the vote - an increase on last year - representing roughly US$42.34 billion worth of Exxon shares.

Activities in Tokyo and Paris kept the international spotlight on Esso during the AGM. In Tokyo, activists petitioned, and handed out leaflets to workers at Esso's Japanese headquarters.

In Paris, ten Greenpeace activists gave the French Statue of Liberty, near the Eiffel Tower, a Stop Esso speech bubble. The 3-metre wide hellium balloon said, "E$$O number one climate criminal" in English and "ExxonMobil stop torching the planet" in French.

The activists were encouraged by a group of British holidaymakers on a river boat chanting "Greenpeace! Greenpeace!" as they steadied the balloon.

Despite the recent stepping up of greenwashing activities by the company, the Stop Esso campaign has revealed that a number of organisations continue to wage a full-out war against US action on climate change. And Esso (ExxonMobil) is continuing to fund them.

In fact, the money they get from Esso has increased. A number of these organisations also called for the US to go to war with Iraq. Read more about Esso's secret war at www.stopesso.com.


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