A word of explanation

Posted by jamie — 26 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

If there isn't already a maxim warning against making rash decisions in the pub after a few pints, then there should be. It's as a result of a slightly drunken conversation a couple of weeks ago in the garden of the Canonbury Tavern (nice beers, terrible terrible service) that this blog has seen the light of day several months earlier than expected.

We're doing some major refitting work on the Greenpeace UK website (more of which in the near future) and a blog was pretty much always going to be part of that. The thing is, we've barely even started on the nuts and bolts work so it'll be a few months more before we have anything to show and yet there are some marvellous opportunities presenting themselves for which a blog would be perfect.

Like the party conferences. The Climate Clinic we've helped set up will hopefully see some concrete results in getting the mother of all problems on the tip of every politicians' tongue. "What would be better than a blog from the heart of the meteorological melee?'" someone said after a fourth pint of Bombadier, although maybe without the crass alliteration.

So the decision was made but the thing about a blog is that it creates an expectation in those who read it. If they like it, they'll want more and if a blog only runs for the duration of a conference or exhibition (like the one we did from the Auto Show in July), we'll lose all those readers we've acquired when the blog closes. "We'll use the Climate Clinic as an excuse to launch our regular blog," said someone else, swatting at the light bulb she thought was hovering above her head. The problem was the LibDem conference started two days later but we figured we could get it working in time for Labour the following week. And we did. Just.

Ben, one of our press officers, is in Manchester and in his element, posting about developments at the conference. Meanwhile, from the office we'll be posting bits of environmental news, groovy web stuff we've come across, and information about how we can all take action to get this planet back on the right track. We'll also be opening up Greenpeace itself so you can find out more about who's involved, what we do and how we do it. And we're looking forward to hearing from you - use the 'comment' link below to agree, disagree or put forward new ideas. Go on, you know you want to.

About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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