Esso chief in UK

Posted by bex — 26 July 2002 at 8:00am - Comments

Stop Esso: Passer-bys ask about climate chang

As Chief Executive and Chairman of ExxonMobil and architect of the company's climate policy, Lee Raymond, visits the ExxonMobil HQ in London, the StopEsso team is there to greet him.


Stop Esso: Tattooing against global warming Esso sucks tattoos

After setting up StopEsso flags and banners in front of the ExxonMobil HQ , the team started spreading the �Don�t buy Esso� message.


Our Esso sucks lollipops and tatoos were popular with passer-bys, drivers and Esso staff alike.


Stop Esso: passer -by ask  about global warmi Don't buy Esso

The day before, we went to the main office in Leatherhead, handing out Lee Raymond survival kits to staff as they arrived at work.

This went down well with staff, many of whom had already contacted us to let us know Lee would be there.

He gave a presentation to staff, but they were not allowed to quiz him on the climate policy. In fact, they tell us there is a climate of fear at the office and that they daren't talk about Esso's climate policy at all.

Is this really the man they want to lead the company in the 21st Century?


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