Send a climate message in a bottle

Posted by jamie — 21 November 2007 at 2:54pm - Comments

As the international climate meeting in Bali hurtles towards us, you're probably concerned that it may turn into another one of those diplomatic exercises in generating a lot of hot air and the only benefactors will be the hordes of translators making a nice earning. But you can make sure that fingers are pulled out and tough action is taken by contributing to the Climate Message In A Bottle video.

It's a collaborative video project run by our international office and you can see the first portion below. They're gathering submissions from around the world, the best of which will make it into the final edit and presented to the gathered mandarins in Bali.

Full details on our international site and when you're raring to go, post your video on YouTube as a response to this one:

About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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