Alternative Heathrow consultation gathers pace

Posted by Louise Edge — 26 November 2007 at 1:00am - Comments

Local MP Emily Thornberry lends her support as the airstream tour arrived in Islington

Local MP Emily Thornberry lent her support as the airstream tour arrived in Islington

Today the intrepid airstream crew were in Islington talking to the locals about plans to expand Heathrow airport and increase flights over London by some 70%. The tour is part of our 'alternative' Heathrow expansion consultation.

The 'real' consultation began last week and is set to run through til the end of February. How real a consultation it is can be gauged from the comments coming from just around the corner at the CBI conference - held in Islington’'s Business Design Centre – where Gordon Brown was telling big business how his government would not "shirk" the decision on expanding Heathrow, "upon which, Britain's prosperity depended". Is this the same Gordon Brown that last week gave a big speech on how Britain must lead the way in tackling climate change? surely shome mistake…

The day saw also visits to the campaign van from some politicians with a more joined up approach to thinking about tackling climate change - both local Labour MP Emily Thornberry, and Green MEP Jean Lambert came to add their voices to those saying NO to Heathrow expansion.

Serious about tackling climate change? Join the roar of opposition to airport expansion »

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