In pictures: Solidarity with Arctic 30 around the world

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 27 September 2013 at 5:42pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Cobb/Greenpeace
Greenpeace activists protest outside the Russian Embassy in London

The last few days have been very emotional for me. I work on the picture desk and dramatic images have been coming in showing the Russian coast guards reacting with force to our peaceful action at Gazprom’s oil platform. Now, the Arctic 30 have been remanded in custody for up to two months. But today we've recieved loads of pictures from all over the world showing our solidarity with the Arctic 30. Hopefully our friends and colleagues will be freed soon.

Greenpeace volunteers and staff protest outside the Russian Embassy in Madrid, ©Greenpeace

Greenpeace activists protest outside the Russian Embassy in the US ©Meyers/Greenpeace

Greenpeace volunteers and staff  hold pictures of the Arctic 30 outside the Taipei 101 building, Taiwan ©Vigar/Greenpeace 

Greenpeace volunteers and staff form a flotilla outside the Hermitage Museum in Amsterdam ©Beentjes/Greenpeace

Greenpeace volunteers and staff protest outside the Representative Office for the Moscow-Taipei Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation ©Vigar/Greenpeace 

Greenpeace activists stage a silent protest outside the Russian consulate in Hong Kong ©Hofford/Greenpeace

Greenpeace volunteers and staff protest outside Neft Trading GmbH, Vienna, Austria ©Mayer/Greenpeace

Greenpeace activists hold vigil outside the Russian Embassy in Helsinki ©Rastenberger/Greenpeace

Greenpeace activists occupy the London HQ of Gazprom to protest against the Arctic 30 being held by Russian authorities ©Cobb/Greenpeace

Greenpeace volunteers and staff protest in front of the Auckland Harbour Bridge, New Zealand ©Marple/Greenpeace

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