Living in the Age of Stupid

Posted by jamie — 4 February 2009 at 2:47pm - Comments

I have a confession to make - I've never seen The Inconvenient Truth. Or The 11th Hour (If you missed that one,  it was Leo DiCaprio's contribution to the climate change debate). It might sound slightly arrogant, but my sense is they won't tell me anything I don't already know. Plus it's over two years since Al Gore's Powerpoint slides made it into cinemas and with climate science accelerating at a furious rate, it's no doubt already looking a little archaic.

But I'm looking forward to The Age Of Stupid. One huge plus point is that it stars the excellent Pete Postlethwaite as a man in 2055 looking back to 2008 and asking why we didn't stop climate change when we had the chance. Another is that it comes from from Franny Armstrong, director of McLibel, who takes a combined drama and documentary approach to the subject. Yet another is that an action campaign - Not Stupid - is being planned by the producers to mobilise the film's audience.

It's due for release in the UK on 20 March - some people in the office have already seen a preview and the word coming back is good. Some even helped fund production and the team are still looking for donations to help promote the film and organise the campaign. So take a sneaky peaky at the trailer  and tell your friends.

About Jamie

I'm a forests campaigner working mainly on Indonesia. My personal mumblings can be found @shrinkydinky.

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