Goodbye, London

Posted by reto — 30 July 2009 at 11:20am - Comments

This is my last day working in the UK office, and the last chance to introduce myself. I'm Reto from the Swiss Greenpeace office, where I work as a web editor. Here, I've had the pleasure to work with the UK web team during July.

This month has been an impressive experience: living and working in a really big city like London for the first time is quite different from living in Switzerland. In terms of population, Switzerland is as big as London. Luckily, the London office is located in a nice neighbourhood with good pubs and restaurants nearby, so I've really enjoyed it.

The work of the UK office is often quoted as a good example of how to deliver campaigns in the Greenpeace world, especially how to communicate them online, so my time here has been really insightful. The first week was very busy and fun with the G8 actions in Italy. I have also worked on the new website for active supporters, which looks really promising.

As we have a smaller audience in Switzerland, we often communicate what's happening in the rest of the Greenpeace world. So getting to know people from other offices and what they're planning is really important for us.

But we also want to improve our own campaigns, so the main goal of my visit in London was to find the secrets of how to create successful campaigns. I think I found two of these secrets to take back to Switzerland. Sadly I wasn't successful with my second goal which was improving my English, so I probably will have to come back for a longer period some time.

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