1 ᅠ THORP: the Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant. Used to separate plutonium and uranium from nuclear waste fuel. The fuel comes from reactors in the UK and from overseas. THORP discharges nuclear waste into the air and sea.
2 ᅠ B205: Magnox reprocessing plant. Used to separate plutonium and uranium from nuclear waste fuel. The fuel comes from the UK's Magnox nuclear reactors. B205 discharges nuclear waste into the air and sea.
3 ᅠ Windscale Piles: built in the 1940s and 50s, these are some of the oldest buildings at Sellafield. They were originally built to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. An accident at one of the piles caused the notorious 1957 Windscale Fire, which was the world's worst nuclear accident until Chernobyl.
4 ᅠ Calder Hall: These nuclear reactors began operating in 1956. They are the oldest operating civil nuclear reactors in the world.
5 ᅠ SMP: The Sellafield MOX Plant. BNFL wants to use some of the plutonium separated in THORP to produce MOX plutonium fuel. However, the company has attracted very few customers, and the proposed operation of the SMP has attracted legal action from Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the Irish Government.
6 ᅠ WAGR: Windscale Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor. The prototype for the UK's 'second generation' of nuclear reactors, the AGR's. WAGR is now closed and the industry is trying to work out how to decommission the nuclear waste it has left behind.