What we are doing about nuclear power

Last edited 15 November 2006 at 1:29pm
We're trying to stop the dangerous - and completely unnecessary - transports of nuclear waste across the UK.

Promoting good power

By decentralising our energy system, we could double the efficiency of our power stations. Decentralised energy is cleaner, cheaper and more secure than nuclear power, and can do far more to combat climate change.

We work to promote decentralised energy at grassroots and national levels, by providing scientific and economic data, identifying exactly how decentralised energy could work in the UK and how much it would cost, documenting examples of decentralised energy in action and working for the overhaul of the regulatory framework. We've taken our findings to MPs through public consultations, surgery visits, fringe events, film showings and direct actions.

At a grassroots level, we encourage and support local councils and communities interested in implementing decentralised energy based on renewables and energy efficiency.

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Confronting bad power

If Labour and the nuclear industry succeed in promoting the construction of new nuclear power stations, our last chance to find real solutions to climate change will be lost.

We're fighting the government’s new nuclear policy through legal action, by investigating and exposing new evidence of the nuclear industry’s contemporary failures and by highlighting the real problems that new nuclear build will create. In 2006, we exposed evidence of serious safety problems with the UK’s nuclear reactors, leading to them being closed for repair. We also take direct, non-violent action to stop the nuclear industry’s plan to build new nuclear power stations in the UK and abroad.

We work to stop the dangerous and unnecessary transports of nuclear waste across the UK and the deep dumping of nuclear waste through studies, consultation work and public engagement.


Nuclear power and nuclear weapons are inextricably linked. We campaign for peace, against nuclear proliferation, by bearing witness in test zones, supplying scientific data and measurements on human and environmental impacts and by conducting direct non-violent actions to call attention to the problem.

We campaign for multilateral cooperation to end nuclear proliferation and testing, and for global action on climate change. We work to support and build upon international disarmament frameworks such as the Non-Proliferation Treaty. We're also investigating the government's investment in new nuclear weapons development, conducting citizen's weapons inspections and exposing how this work threatens to destroy international treaties.

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