Defend oceans

Last edited 25 February 2016 at 1:08pm

Our beautiful oceans are home to a staggering 80% of life on Earth. But destructive fishing, pollution and climate change are damaging them on a scale unimaginable to most people. Species are being driven towards extinction because of overfishing and habitat destruction. We are campaigning for marine reserves, and for an end to unsustainable fishing.

Campaign updates

North Sea Marine Reserves Now!

The North Sea, once one of the most productive in the world, is now amongst the most degraded. Oil extraction, waste dumping and chemical pollution...
Posted by jossc - 20 April, 2007 - 14:03

North Sea Marine Reserves Now!

The North Sea, once one of the most productive in the world, is now amongst the most degraded. Oil extraction, waste dumping and chemical pollution...
Posted by jossc - 20 April, 2007 - 14:03

The Heat Is On

A report looking into the role of marine reserves in boosting ecosystem resilience to climate change. The IPCC (Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is...
Posted by jossc - 16 April, 2007 - 16:07

The Heat Is On

A report looking into the role of marine reserves in boosting ecosystem resilience to climate change. The IPCC (Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is...
Posted by jossc - 16 April, 2007 - 16:07

Esperanza bound for Japan to continue anti-whaling campaign

MY Esperanza arrives in Sydney, Australia We're taking our anti-whaling campaign to Japan, where the government plans to increase its whaling activities...
Posted by jossc - 10 March, 2007 - 15:56

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