Defend oceans

Last edited 25 February 2016 at 1:08pm

Our beautiful oceans are home to a staggering 80% of life on Earth. But destructive fishing, pollution and climate change are damaging them on a scale unimaginable to most people. Species are being driven towards extinction because of overfishing and habitat destruction. We are campaigning for marine reserves, and for an end to unsustainable fishing.

Campaign updates

The lowdown on UN's SOFIA report: 89.5% of fish are now fully or overfished

The SOFIA report is a biennial publication that outlines the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture of the previous two years, hence the name. Commissioned...
Posted by Fiona Nicholls - 23 September, 2016 - 16:39

The lowdown on UN's SOFIA report: 89.5% of fish are now fully or overfished

The SOFIA report is a biennial publication that outlines the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture of the previous two years, hence the name. Commissioned...
Posted by Fiona Nicholls - 23 September, 2016 - 16:39
George Eustice signing a Greenpeace petition asking the Government to reallocate

Will George Eustice finally create a fair deal for small-scale fishermen?

(Guest blog by Frances Rankin)Fisheries Minister George Eustice was at the House of Lords yesterday, facing questions on the future of the fishing industry...
Posted by Alix FOSTER VAN... - 15 September, 2016 - 16:52
George Eustice signing a Greenpeace petition asking the Government to reallocate

Will George Eustice finally create a fair deal for small-scale fishermen?

(Guest blog by Frances Rankin)Fisheries Minister George Eustice was at the House of Lords yesterday, facing questions on the future of the fishing industry...
Posted by Alix FOSTER VAN... - 15 September, 2016 - 16:52

A joint mission: ending plastic pollution

Back in July I was lucky enough to be one of 100 people who spent the day cleaning up a heavily plastic polluted beach on ‘Freedom Island’ in Manila Bay,...
Posted by Louise Edge - 14 September, 2016 - 16:27

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