Help protect the UK's whale, dolphin and porpoise populations!

Last edited 7 October 2002 at 8:00am
Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphin

UK whale, dolphin and porpoise (collectively know as cetaceans) populations are under threat. You can help protect them by:

1. Writing to your MP expressing your concern about this problem and asking him/her to:

  • Seek urgent measures to prevent the deaths of porpoises in gillnets in the Celtic Sea and North Sea, and of dolphins in mid-water trawls to the south and west of Britain and France.
  • Press for strong measures in the Common Fisheries Policy to ensure that dolphin and porpoise bycatches are effectively monitored and reduced.

Your MP,
House of Commons,

2. If you buy fish in the supermarket, ask how and where the fish was caught and whether they can be sure that no dolphins or porpoises were killed in the process. If they cannot tell you - think hard about whether you should buy the fish.

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