The EU Marine Strategy Directive

Last edited 20 April 2007 at 1:52pm

The Marine Strategy Directive (MSD) is a piece of European legislation designed to have a more holistic approach to the way Europe's oceans are managed. It sets out a framework for how oceans management can take into account the different issues like industry, recreation, and - crucially - the environment. The Directive offered an important opportunity to enshrine a strong environmental protection within the new legislation, including laying the groundwork for a network of Marine Reserves throughout Europe's seas.

The MSD was finally agreed at the end of 2007. Whilst not as strong as we had hoped for, it still contains the crucial commitment to achieving a 'Good Environmental Status' for Europe's seas by 2020. A commitment to use an ecosystem approach to manage human activities, phase out pollution, and a provision to allow the inclusion of fully-protected Marine Reserves – it certainly sets the scene for EU member states to increase their efforts in marine conservation.

But the MSD is not the end of the story - we want to see the conservation elements within the Directive turned into reality by the support and action of EU Member States like the UK.

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