How we fundraise

Last edited 9 July 2015 at 3:10pm

In light of recent coverage in the media, we want to be completely transparent about our approach to asking people for support.

People-power is our not-so-secret weapon in making companies and governments do the right things for nature and the environment. We ask people to add their voices, their actions and their money to give our campaigns the biggest possible impact.

To guarantee our independence and integrity, we do not accept funding from companies or governments. We are completely dependent on the support of many, many people who share our vision of a green and peaceful world. If we upset people by asking in the wrong way, our mission will fail.

That’s why we care so much about getting our communications with people right, whether they come directly from us or from the carefully selected agencies working on our behalf. We set high standards, we train all the fundraisers, we have clear policies about not approaching young or vulnerable people, we monitor what’s done and we take swift action on the rare occasions when things don’t meet our standards. We don’t pretend to be perfect and we’re constantly looking at ways to improve.

Our promise to supporters:

  • We never sell or swap your details.

  • We don’t make ‘cold’ phone calls – we only call people who have signed up to our work or agreed to be contacted by us. 

  • We restrict the number of phone calls asking for money and always listen if it’s not a convenient time to speak.

  • If you tell us you don’t want to be contacted again, we don’t contact you again.

  • We have a Privacy Policy that explains all this in more detail.

More information can be found in our questions and answers.


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