Aldermaston fire fighting appliances unfit for service

Last edited 15 February 2000 at 9:00am

Three incidents out of 100 revealed by CND that occurred in 1999 at Britain's atomic weapons factory at Aldermaston. On April 1, the Government will hand over management from Hunting BRAE to a different team. The bad news is that the new team comprises BNFL ('fundamentally flawed' managers of Sellafield) partnered by Lockheed Martin - a US company with a similarly poor record.

Swapping one set of incompetent managers for another is not the best option for an aged factory handling toxic, radioactive and explosive materials. Aldermaston should be shut down and cleaned up. After all, there will be a job to do for the next 240,000 years or so tidying up the mess.


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